Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Digital Portfolio

Digital Portfolio

What is a Digital Portfolio?

A digital portfolio also known as an e-portfolio is a collection of artifacts and evidence put together by a user of the web. A digital portfolio is just like a traditional portfolio just in digital format. Digital portfolios are proof of one’s ability. E-Portfolios can also be used for self-expression.

Student sharing portfolios allow teachers and parents to view and share a student’s performances and accomplish.

E-portfolios include multimedia, blogs, hyperlinks and much more. If the portfolio is online it can be changed regularly over time.

Advantages of a Digital Portfolio

-Digital portfolios are easily accessible on the web; therefore they open to a wider audience.

-Digital portfolios have more formats than a traditional portfolio. Students can express their knowledge and skills in different ways.

-Digital Portfolios teach students many more technology skills.

-A Digital Portfolio is a good tool for storing and examining a student’s performance over time.

Disadvantages of a Digital Portfolio

-Since a digital portfolios are in a digital format is easy for someone to plagiarize ones work.

Examples of Digital Portfolios:





Sarah D's digital portfolio is about her time as an intern at the Eagles Outlet, Barrington school. It shows her hard work, efforts and tasks she has accomplished throughout the year for her work study internship. She shares her skills and the letter of recommendation. Sarah clearly reflects on the year as she served as an intern at the Eagle outlet.

Resume and Personal Information
Mission Statement: Code of Ethics
My Skills
My Accomplishments
Letters of Recommendation
Reflection Log

Sarah shares her accomplishments by adding her resume. In her resume she mentions her strengths and tasks she has accomplished through the time she has been at the Barrington. Sarah also shares her letters of recommendation.

The layout of her portfolio is quite good it is orderly organized from her resume down to her Reflection. I like her portfolio though I’m not so fond of the colors she used for her portfolio. I don't like the colors because they are too bright of her portfolio. She should have picked a more of a simple and suitable color for her portfolio.

Comments: Her portfolio is very organized and detailed. It has suitable information. It is easy to get from one page to another.


This portfolio is about Brianna's projects at her school, Barrington. She shares one of her projects called "If your community was a textbook, what would it teach you?” She also has many rubrics in her portfolio of various subjects. Brianna's portfolio demonstrates the work I have done towards reaching a Certificate of Initial Mastery.


Applied Learning
The Arts
English Language Arts
Foreign Language
Social Studies

Brianna includes a page about her. She also the subjects she did at Barrington such as the arts, foreign languages and mathematics.

Brianna's portfolio is some what interesting, though I didn’t it like the design. It was quite dull and looked plain. Though I did like her front page, it was classic and simple. She had a hyperlink to her resume which I found great.

It was quite hard navigating from one page to another in Brianna's digital portfolio. She had many links, which was not a good thing. I enjoyed reading her digital portfolio, it was informative. Brianna's portfolio looked incomplete, probably because she was still the middle of her project.


This portfolio is about Jenna's senior school project. She includes her field work and her research paper on the project. Jenna also includes diary entries through her project. Jenna's project topic was on outdoor recreation. She takes about the whole process she went through while gathering her data.


Letter of Introduction
Getting Started
Field work
Research paper
Portfolio: Design and Presentation
Self Evaluation
Form Checklist

Jenna includes a page introducing herself and her experiences. She also includes entries from her journal at the beginning of every page.

I absolutely enjoyed going through Jenna's portfolio. It was very organized; it was hard to get lost. Every link had a title that was clear so, it was easy for the viewer to navigate to each page. Her color coordination was great it was classic and not to colorful. She chose a suitable color for her text.

Comments: On the whole I think Jenna's portfolio was great. What I liked about Jenna's portfolio is that she had a letter of introduction. So, straight away I knew what her portfolio was all about.